SAHM schedule
General Parenting Toddlers

How to Create the Perfect SAHM Schedule

Being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) to a spirited toddler while managing a full-time remote job can feel like a constant juggling act, but we have you covered with the perfect SAHM schedule. If you’re navigating this challenging yet rewarding path, you’re not alone. Let’s walk through a potential weekly schedule, packed with practical tips to help you balance your responsibilities and enjoy quality time with your little one.

Monday – Friday: Structuring Your Weekdays

6:00 AM – 8:00 AM: Early Morning Routine

  • Wake Up and Prepare: Start your day early to savor a quiet cup of coffee and check any urgent work emails before your son wakes up.
  • Breakfast: Prepare a simple breakfast for both of you. Quick and nutritious options like oatmeal with fruit work wonders.
  • Morning Play: Spend about an hour on morning playtime. This could be building with blocks or reading favorite books.

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Productive Morning Block

  • Independent Play: Encourage your child to play independently while you dive into work. Activities like playing with a toy kitchen or coloring can keep him occupied.
  • Educational Activities: Around 10 AM, switch to more structured activities like puzzles or educational games. These can keep him engaged and learning while you work nearby.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunchtime Break

  • Prepare and Eat Lunch: Prepare a quick, healthy lunch. Sandwiches or leftovers are perfect.
  • Outdoor Play: Head outside to your backyard or a nearby park for fresh air and physical activity if the weather permits.

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Nap Time and Focused Work

  • Nap Time: Your child’s nap around 1 PM gives you a solid two hours to focus on demanding tasks.
  • Quiet Time: If he wakes up early, opt for quiet activities like watching an educational show or listening to calming music.

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Afternoon Activities

  • Snack Time: Provide a quick, healthy snack.
  • Afternoon Fun: Engage in a craft project, baking session, or sensory play such as kinetic sand.

5:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Evening Routine

  • Dinner Prep and Family Time: Prepare dinner while your son either helps or plays nearby. After dinner, clean up together.
  • Evening Wind-Down: Bath time, followed by story time and bedtime around 7:30 PM. After he’s asleep, finish up any lingering work tasks or chores.

Saturday – Sunday: Weekend Balance

Saturday: Adventure Day

  • Morning: Kick off your Saturday with a fun outing like visiting the zoo, a children’s museum, or exploring a new park. It’s a great way to expend your child’s energy and enjoy quality time together.
  • Afternoon: Spend a quiet afternoon at home. Catch up on light housework or engage in a creative project with your child.
  • Evening: Enjoy a family movie night with popcorn to relax and bond.

Sunday: Prep and Relax

  • Morning: Take it easy with a slow breakfast and spend the morning playing or doing a family activity like a nature walk.
  • Afternoon: Use this time to prep for the week ahead. Meal planning, grocery shopping, and some batch cooking can make your weekdays smoother.
  • Evening: Have an early dinner and a calm evening routine to ensure everyone gets a good night’s sleep before the new week begins.

Tips for a Smooth Weekend

  • 1. Plan Activities: Having a rough plan for the weekend avoids the “What should we do now?” dilemma. Choose one big outing and one relaxing home activity each day.
  • 2. Involve Your Child: Involving your child in tasks like cooking, cleaning, or organizing makes them feel included and teaches valuable skills.
  • 3. Self-Care: Make sure to carve out time for yourself, whether it’s a quiet cup of tea, a short workout, or a relaxing bath.
  • 4. Flexibility: Be flexible with your schedule. Sometimes, plans change, and that’s okay. Adapt and go with the flow.
  • 5. Prepare for Monday: Use Sunday evening to lay out clothes, pack bags, and plan meals for a smoother start to the week.


Balancing work, childcare, and personal time as a SAHM is a challenge, but with thoughtful planning and a bit of flexibility, you can create a SAHM schedule that works for you and your little one. Embrace the chaos, cherish the moments, and remember, you’re doing an incredible job. Whether it’s weekday routines or weekend adventures, your efforts are creating a nurturing and loving environment for your little one. Keep up the great work!

Perfectly curated organization templates can be found here.

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