General Parenting Toddlers

How to Stay Organized with Kids: A Mom’s Guide

Hello, fellow moms! My name is Natasha, and I’m a mom of 1 wildly energetic child. If you’re anything like me, staying organized can sometimes feel like trying to catch a tornado in a jar. But over the years, I’ve discovered that a little bit of planning and a lot of patience can go a long way. Today, I want to share my tips and tricks for staying organized with kids, broken down by age group. And don’t forget to check out my store for some fantastic organization templates designed specifically for busy moms like us!

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Newborns: The Fourth Trimester

Ah, the newborn phase—a time of sleepless nights and endless diaper changes. Here’s how to keep your sanity:

  1. Create a Diaper Station: Set up a dedicated area with diapers, wipes, creams, and extra clothes. Having everything in one place means you’re never scrambling.
  2. Establish Feeding Zones: Whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, have a cozy spot with all your essentials—burp cloths, water for you, and maybe a good book.
  3. Use a Planner: Track feedings, diaper changes, and sleep schedules in a planner. It helps you notice patterns and communicate with your partner or pediatrician.
  4. Simplify Clothing Choices: Organize baby clothes by size and type. Keep only the current size within easy reach and store the rest.

Infants: Crawling and Curious

Once your little one starts moving, organization becomes even more crucial.

  1. Baby-Proofing Checklist: Go room by room and make a list of what needs baby-proofing—outlet covers, cabinet locks, and corner protectors.
  2. Toy Rotation: To avoid toy overload, rotate toys every few weeks. This keeps your baby engaged and reduces clutter.
  3. Meal Prep for Babies: Prepare purees in bulk and freeze them in ice cube trays. This makes meal times quick and easy.
  4. Organize Clothes and Gear: Babies outgrow things fast. Regularly sort through clothes and baby gear, setting aside items to donate, sell, or pass on.

Toddlers: Tiny Tornadoes

Welcome to the world of endless energy and constant exploration. Here’s how to keep up:

  1. Daily Routines: Create a visual schedule for your toddler. Use pictures to show the order of activities like breakfast, playtime, and nap time.
  2. Activity Station: Set up different zones in your home for activities—art corner, reading nook, and play area. This helps toddlers know where things belong.
  3. Snack Organization: Keep healthy snacks at toddler height in the fridge and pantry. This encourages independence and makes snack time easy.
  4. Simplify Clean-Up: Use bins and labels to make tidying up a game. Show your toddler how to sort toys into the correct bins.

School-Age Kids: Independent and Involved

School brings a new level of complexity to family life. Here’s how to manage it all:

  1. Homework Station: Create a quiet, clutter-free space dedicated to homework. Stock it with all necessary supplies like pencils, paper, and a calendar.
  2. School Paperwork: Use a filing system or binder for each child’s school papers, permission slips, and artwork. Review and declutter it weekly.
  3. Chore Charts: Involve your kids in household chores. Create a chore chart that tracks responsibilities and rewards.
  4. Activity Calendar: Keep a family calendar to track school events, extracurricular activities, and family commitments. Color-code by family member for clarity.


Staying organized as a mom is no small feat, but with a little planning and some handy tools, you can manage it all. If you’re looking for more detailed organization templates tailored to each age group, visit my store. My templates are designed to make your life easier, so you can spend more time enjoying these precious moments with your kids.

Thank you for reading, and happy organizing!

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