General Parenting Toddlers

Time Saving Secrets for Super Moms

Being a mom is like juggling a dozen plates while riding a unicycle through a circus—chaotic yet strangely exhilarating. In the whirlwind of school runs, soccer practices, and impromptu science projects, time becomes your most precious commodity. But fear not, fellow super moms, for I come bearing a treasure trove of time saving secrets to help you reclaim your sanity and conquer the chaos with style and a sprinkle of humor. So, grab your cape (or coffee mug) and let’s dive into the ultimate survival guide for busy moms.

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time saving

Establish Routines for Kids

Routines are the secret sauce to a smoothly sailing ship in the stormy sea of parenthood. Here are three examples of how routines can transform your days:

  • Morning Must-Haves: Create a morning routine that includes tasks like brushing teeth, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. Consistency is key!
  • Afternoon Adventures: Structure after-school hours with a routine that includes homework time, playtime, and maybe even a snack to fuel those growing brains.
  • Bedtime Bliss: Wind down the day with a calming bedtime routine that involves bath time, story time, and cuddles galore.


  1. Visual Aids: Use visual schedules or charts to help your kids understand and follow their routines independently.
  2. Consistency is Key: Stick to your routines like glue, even when life throws curveballs. Consistency breeds familiarity and reduces resistance.

Meal Plan and Prep

Meal planning and prep can turn chaos into culinary bliss. Here’s how:

  • Sunday Strategy Session: Spend a leisurely Sunday afternoon planning meals for the week ahead, considering schedules and dietary preferences.
  • Batch Cooking Brilliance: Dedicate a few hours each week to cooking in bulk and freezing portions for future meals. Your future self will thank you!
  • Lunchbox Liberation: Prep school or work lunches in advance to save time and ensure healthier options than the cafeteria or vending machine.


  1. Theme Nights: Assign a theme to each day of the week to simplify meal planning and add excitement to dinnertime.
  2. Leftovers Love: Repurpose leftovers into new meals to minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Get creative!

Order Groceries Online

Embrace the wonders of technology by ordering groceries online. Here’s how it saves time:

  • Skip the Store: Save time and energy by shopping from the comfort of your home, avoiding crowds and long checkout lines.
  • Subscription Services: Set up subscriptions for frequently purchased items like diapers, snacks, and toiletries to save time and money.
  • Strategic Shopping: Plan your online grocery orders around your busiest days to ensure seamless delivery and avoid last-minute trips to the store.


  1. Automate and Subscribe: Take advantage of subscription services for essentials to save time and hassle.
  2. Strategic Shopping: Plan your orders around your schedule to ensure timely delivery and avoid running out of essentials.

Declutter Your Space and Mind

A clutter-free home leads to a clutter-free mind. Here’s how to tackle the mess:

  • Room-by-Room Purge: Dedicate a weekend to decluttering one room at a time. Sort items into keep, donate, and toss piles to streamline the process.
  • Toy Rotation: Rotate toys regularly to keep playtime fresh and minimize clutter. Store unused toys in bins or closets and swap them out periodically.
  • Paperless Solutions: Switch to digital storage for bills, documents, and kids’ artwork to reduce paper clutter and streamline organization.


  1. One In, One Out: Implement a “one in, one out” rule for new purchases to prevent clutter from accumulating.
  2. Daily Decluttering: Spend 10-15 minutes each day tidying up and putting items back in their designated places to maintain a clutter-free home.

Shorten Your To-Do List

Quality over quantity is the name of the game. Here’s how to prioritize:

  • Focus on Essentials: Identify the most important tasks for the day and prioritize them over less urgent ones.
  • Delegate Duties: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to family members or enlist help from friends or hired services.
  • Say No: Learn to say no to non-essential commitments that drain your time and energy.


  1. Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks to maintain focus and productivity.
  2. Batching: Group similar tasks together and tackle them in batches to minimize transition time and maximize efficiency.

Plan Your Day

A little planning goes a long way in maximizing productivity. Here’s how to make the most of your day:

  • Morning Brain Dump: Start each day by jotting down tasks and priorities to clear your mind and set intentions.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for different tasks, including work, errands, and family time.
  • Flexibility Built-In: Leave room in your schedule for unexpected events or emergencies to avoid feeling overwhelmed by unexpected disruptions.


  1. Three Tasks Rule: Limit your daily to-do list to three main tasks to prevent overwhelm and ensure focus.
  2. End-of-Day Review: Take a few minutes at the end of each day to review what you accomplished and adjust your plan for the next day accordingly.

Plan Your Week

Weekly planning sets the stage for smooth sailing ahead. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sunday Strategy Session: Set aside time each Sunday to plan out your week, including appointments, errands, and important tasks.
  • Family Meeting: Gather the family for a weekly meeting to discuss schedules, responsibilities, and upcoming events.
  • Flexibility First: While planning is important, be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed to accommodate unexpected events or changes.


  1. Master Calendar: Use a shared digital or physical calendar to keep track of family schedules and appointments.
  2. Color Coding: Assign different colors to family members or categories to quickly identify events and responsibilities at a glance.

Use Cleaning Routines

A clean home is a happy home. Here’s how to streamline your cleaning routine:

  • Daily Maintenance: Incorporate quick daily cleaning tasks into your routine to keep clutter and messes at bay.
  • Weekly Deep Clean: Set aside time each week for more thorough cleaning tasks like vacuuming, mopping, and dusting.
  • Delegate Duties: Assign age-appropriate cleaning tasks to family members to lighten the load and foster a sense of responsibility.


  1. Zone Cleaning: Divide your home into zones and focus on one area at a time to prevent overwhelm.
  2. Speed Cleaning: Set a timer and challenge yourself to complete cleaning tasks within a set timeframe to boost efficiency and motivation.

Prep for the Day, the Night Before

A little preparation goes a long way in starting the day on the right foot. Here’s how to prep ahead:

  • Outfit Selection: Choose outfits for yourself and your kids the night before to avoid morning wardrobe dilemmas.
  • Lunch Packing: Pack lunches and snacks for the next day and store them in the fridge for easy grab-and-go convenience.
  • Backpack Organization: Ensure backpacks are packed with homework, permission slips, and any other essentials needed for the day ahead.


  1. Launch Pad Setup: Designate a “launch pad” near the door to store keys, bags, and other items you’ll need on your way out.
  2. Evening Reset: Spend a few minutes tidying up and resetting your home each evening to start the next day with a clean slate.

Cook in Bulk, and Freeze

Batch cooking is a game-changer for busy moms. Here’s how to make it work for you:

  • Big-Batch Recipes: Choose recipes that lend themselves well to batch cooking, such as soups, casseroles, and stews.
  • Freezer-Friendly Containers: Invest in quality freezer-safe containers for storing meals in individual portions for easy reheating.
  • Label and Date: Don’t forget to label and date your frozen meals to prevent mystery dishes from accumulating in the freezer.


  1. Themed Freezer Meals: Plan themed freezer meal sessions, such as Italian night or comfort food classics, to make batch cooking more fun and efficient.
  2. Meal Swap Parties: Coordinate with friends or neighbors to exchange freezer meals, allowing you to enjoy a variety of homemade dishes without the extra effort.

Reduce Laundry Time

Laundry is a never-ending task, but there are ways to make it more manageable:

  • Sort as You Go: Encourage family members to sort their laundry as they undress to save time later.
  • Set a Schedule: Designate specific days for laundry tasks, such as washing, folding, and putting away, to prevent laundry from piling up.
  • Quick Cycles: Use quick wash and dry cycles for lightly soiled items to reduce overall laundry time.


  1. Multi-Tasking Magic: Use downtime during laundry cycles to tackle other tasks, such as meal prep or tidying up.
  2. Family Participation: Get the whole family involved in the laundry process, from sorting and folding to putting away, to lighten the load and teach valuable life skills.

Create a Family Calendar

A centralized family calendar keeps everyone on the same page. Here’s how to set one up:

  • Digital or Physical: Choose a calendar system that works best for your family, whether it’s a shared digital calendar or a large wall calendar in a central location.
  • Color Coding: Assign different colors to each family member or category of events to quickly identify who’s doing what and when.
  • Regular Updates: Set aside time each week to review and update the family calendar with new appointments, events, and commitments.


  1. Sync Devices: Sync digital calendars across family members’ devices to ensure everyone has access to the latest schedule.
  2. Weekly Meetings: Hold a weekly family meeting to review the calendar together and discuss upcoming events and commitments.

Get Organized

Organization is the key to sanity in a busy household. Here’s how to get started. Make sure to visit my Organization page for daily, weekly, and monthly planners, along with daily organization, week at a glance, meal planners, and brain dump templates.

  • Declutter Regularly: Purge unnecessary items from your home on a regular basis to prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Storage Solutions: Invest in storage bins, baskets, and shelves to keep items organized and easily accessible.
  • Daily Maintenance: Incorporate quick tidying sessions into your daily routine to keep clutter at bay and maintain a sense of order.


  1. One In, One Out Rule: Implement a “one in, one out” rule for new purchases to prevent clutter from building up.
  2. Designated Spaces: Assign specific spaces for commonly used items to prevent them from being misplaced and make them easy to find when needed.

Encourage Learning Through Play

Playtime is not only fun but also an opportunity for learning and growth. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Educational Toys: Choose toys that promote learning and development, such as puzzles, building blocks, and pretend play sets.
  • Outdoor Exploration: Encourage outdoor play to foster curiosity and exploration, whether it’s exploring nature trails, playing in the backyard, or visiting local parks.
  • Creative Activities: Engage in creative activities like arts and crafts, storytelling, and imaginative play to stimulate your child’s creativity and problem-solving skills.


  1. Learning Through Games: Incorporate educational games and activities into playtime to make learning fun and engaging.
  2. Rotate Toys: Rotate toys regularly to keep playtime fresh and exciting, sparking new interests and discoveries.

Auto Pay Your Bills

Automating bill payments can save time and prevent late fees. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Online Banking: Set up automatic bill payments through your bank’s online banking platform, linking your bills to be paid directly from your account.
  • Billing Alerts: Sign up for billing alerts and notifications to stay informed about upcoming payments and account balances.
  • Budgeting Tools: Use budgeting apps or software that offer automatic bill payment features to streamline your finances and track expenses.


  1. Scheduled Payments: Schedule bill payments to coincide with your paydays to ensure funds are available and bills are paid on time.
  2. Review Regularly: Despite automating payments, it’s important to review your bills regularly to catch any discrepancies or unexpected charges.

Create Snack Bins for the Kids

Pre-portioned snack bins can save time and promote healthy eating habits. Here’s how to create them:

  • Variety of Options: Stock the bins with a variety of healthy snacks, such as fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, yogurt, cheese, and whole-grain crackers.
  • Portion Control: Use small containers or snack-sized bags to pre-portion snacks, making it easy for kids to grab a quick and nutritious snack on the go.
  • Accessibility: Place the snack bins in a designated area that is easily accessible to kids, such as a low shelf in the pantry or refrigerator.


  1. Kid-Approved Choices: Involve your kids in selecting snacks for the bins to ensure they are items they enjoy and will actually eat.
  2. Rotate Regularly: Rotate snacks in the bins regularly to keep options fresh and prevent boredom.


As a busy mom, time is your most valuable resource, and managing it wisely can make all the difference in maintaining sanity and finding moments of joy amidst the chaos. By implementing these time-saving tips—from establishing routines and meal planning to automating bill payments and creating snack bins—you can streamline your days, reduce stress, and carve out more time for what truly matters: making memories with your family. So, dear super moms, may your days be productive, your to-do lists manageable, and your hearts full of love and laughter!

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